Mathematical thinking in mathematical modelling activities
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Palharini, Bárbara Nivalda y Almeida, Lourdes Maria Werle de
This paper refers to a research that aims to investigate the question “Do the cognitive processes that take place during modelling activities conduct students to advanced mathematical thinking?” We based our arguments on the theoretical frame related to advanced mathematical thinking and the characterization of the cognitive processes regarding mathematical thinking. We analyzed the progress of a student in a Degree in Mathematics during the development of mathematical modelling activities. The research question was investigated with a qualitative approach and an interpretative analysis. The development of the activities was recorded in audio and video. The students also wrote scripts (reports) in which they present detailed descriptions of each activity. These analyzes processes indicated that occurs elementary and advanced mathematical thinking processes as well as the interaction between them. The relationship between the thought processes is favored by the interaction between the real world situation and the mathematical content.
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Términos clave
Contenido | Contextos o situaciones | Inicial | Modelización | Otra (fuentes) | Pensamientos matemáticos
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