Panel: resolución de problemas
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Lista de autores
Rico, Luis, Gómez, Pedro, Abrantes, Paulo y Puig, Luis
En este panel se desarrollaron los siguientes temas: Aprendizaje de las matemáticas mediante resolución de problemas, Resolución de problemas como elemento del currículo de matemáticas e Investigación sobre resolución de problemas en Educación Matemática.
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Estado publicación
Términos clave
Contenido | Diseño | Planteamiento de problemas | Resolución de problemas
Nivel educativo
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Título libro actas
Editores (actas)
Lista de editores (actas)
García, Mercedes
Editorial (actas)
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Rango páginas (actas)
Balacheff, N., 1990, Future Perspectives for Research in the Psychology of Mathematics Education, en Nesher y Kilpatrick, eds. (1990), pgs. 135-148. Booker, G., Cobb, P. y Navarro de Mendicuti, T., 1990, Proceedings of the Fourteenth PHE Conference, Mexico. Carpenter, T.P., 1989, Teaching as Problem Solving, en Charles y Silver, ed. (1989), pgs. 187-202. Charles, R.I. y Silver, E.A., eds., 1989, The Teaching and Assessing of Mathematical Problem Solving. Research Agenda for Mathematics Education. Vol. 3. (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates / NCTM: Hillsdale, NJ / Reston, VA). Cockcroft, W.H., ed., 1982, Mathematics Counts. (HSMO: London). de Lange, J., 1987, Mathematics, Insight and Meaning. (OW & OC: Utrecht). MEC, 1989, Diseño curricular base. Enseñanza Primaria. Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria. (MEC: Madrid). NCTM, 1980, An Agenda for Action: Recommendations for School Mathematics of the 1980s. (NCTM: Reston, VA). Nesher, P. y Kilpatrick, J., eds., 1990, Mathematics and Cognition: A Research Synthesis by the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (Cambridge University Press: Cambridge). Puig, L. y CerdAn, F., 1989, Problemas aritméticos elementales. (Síntesis: Madrid). Schoenfeld, A.H., 1985, Mathematical Problem Solving. (Academic Press: Orlando, FL). Treffers, A., 1987, Three Dimensions. (Reidel: Dordrecht). Wagner, S. y Kieran, C., 1989, An Agenda for Research on the Learning and Teaching of Algebra, en Wagner, S. y Kieran, C., eds. (1989) Research Issues in the Learning and Teaching of Algebra. Research Agenda for Mathematics Education, Vol. 4. (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates / NCTM: Hillsdale, NJ / Reston, VA).
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