Asymptote in prospective mathematics teachers’ graphing praxeologies
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Katalenić, Ana, Čižmešija, Aleksandra y Milin, Željka
Graphical representation is one of the fundamental and widely spread representations. We performed a comprehensive research of the didactic transposition of asymptote and asymptotic behaviour in the upper secondary education in Croatia, within the framework of the anthropological theory of the didactics. Our study included textbook analysis, questionnaires with university students and interviews with two mathematicians. In this poster, we present a part of our research with an emphasis on university students’ graphing praxeologies. Results showed that students’ graphing praxeologies differ from scholarly praxeologies. Further, students grounded their praxeologies mostly on their high-school graphing knowledge, even after being exposed to advanced mathematics that could foster their autonomous thinking.
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Cálculo | Geometría | Gráfica | Inicial | Libros de texto
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