Ministerio de Educacion

Graphics calculators integration into curriculum

Gómez, Pedro (1998). Graphics calculators integration into curriculum. En Addison-Wesley, I. (Ed.), Proceedings of the tenth International Conference of Technology and Collegiate Mathematics (?-?). Reading, MA: Addison Wesley.

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The effects of graphic calculators on the teaching and learning of mathematics depend on how this new technology is integrated into the curriculum. Current research shows that graphic calculators can enhance the learning of functions and graphing concepts and the development of spatial visualization skills (Penglase and Arnold, 1996). However, most studies do not give detailed information on the way the calculators were integrated into the curriculum. Three main integration phases are proposed: introduction, adaptation and consolidation. Each phase is characterized by the way the calculators are used by the students and the teacher, by the type of tasks that are done by them or proposed by the textbook and by the role played by graphic calculators in assessment. These integration phases depend strongly on how mathematical knowledge is seen by the different pedagogical agents and on the visions that the institution, the teacher and the textbook have on teaching, on learning and on the role of the graphic calculator in those processes. Results from a study presented here show the importance of taking into account these integration phases. An analysis is made on the way mathematical knowledge can be approached depending on how the technology is integrated into the curriculum.

Tipo de Registro:Capítulo o Sección de un Libro
Términos clave:03. Aula > Recursos didácticos > Recursos informáticos > Calculadoras
06. Aprendizaje > Cognición > Rendimiento
09. Currículo
Nivel Educativo:Título de grado universitario
Código ID:320
Depositado Por:Usuario Inválido
Depositado En:25 Sep 2009 00:55
Fecha de Modificación Más Reciente:06 Dic 2010 15:46

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