The production of digital performances about infinity: exploring images of mathematics in pre- service teacher education
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Gregorutti, Gabriel Souza y Silva, Ricardo Scucuglia Rodrigues da
In this paper, we investigated the production of Digital Mathematical Performance (DMP) involving Public Image of Mathematics (PIM). DMP refers to the use of the arts and digital technology in teaching and learning mathematics. We report a qualitative case study regarding arts- based research in our analysis. From seven DMPs produced by pre-service mathematics teachers in one university knowledge mobilization course, we discuss two of them that explore the very notion of infinity. Specifically, the DMPs explored a convergent geometric series through a song and a video clip. Audio-visual recording of the course’s sessions, video analysis of conceptual DMPs, and interviews compose the production of data. In terms of findings, we highlighted the exploration of alternative PIMs, which regards to mathematics as a human endeavour. We categorized these alternative images towards flexibility, engagement, creativity, multimodality, and collectivity. We also stressed that DMP environment offered ways to contribute to pre-service mathematics teachers’ education, as participants were engaged in alternative use of digital media and the arts while developing mathematical activities, forming thinking collectives of humans-with-media.
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Términos clave
Cálculo | Geometría | Informáticos (recursos centro) | Inicial
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Rango páginas (artículo)
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