Ministerio de Educacion

Generalization in chess thinking

D’Eredità, Giuliano; Mario, Ferro (2015). Generalization in chess thinking. PNA, 9(3), pp. 245-259 .

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In this work we deal with generalization in chess thinking. Generalization is a complex process based on information people acquired during previous experiences. In the field of chess, chess books, chess education and personal game practice supply the information for generalization to occur. The way in which generalization is performed in chess is still a topic that deserves more research. In this article we dwell on early theories about chess thinking. We underline the role played by what we call configural concepts, in which geometrical patterns and logical expected developments coexist. We suggest that the idea of configural concepts, along with generalization and abduction constitute the basis of chess thinking.

Tipo de Registro:Artículo
Términos Temporales (Editor):Chess thinkingConfigural concepts Generalization Strategy Tactics
Términos clave:06. Aprendizaje > Procesos cognitivos > Generalización
Nivel Educativo:Todos los niveles educativos
Código ID:6442
Depositado Por:Pedro Gómez
Depositado En:24 Feb 2015 16:28
Fecha de Modificación Más Reciente:24 Feb 2015 16:28

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