Ministerio de Educacion

The discourse of mathematical ability: an archaeological approach

Pitsili-Chatzi, Dionysia (2017). The discourse of mathematical ability: an archaeological approach. Revista Internacional de Pesquisa em Educação Matemática, 7(1), pp. 43-55 .

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This article is an effort to understand and analyze the discourse of mathematical ability through an archaeological approach. We recognize and discuss the association between the discourse of mathematical ability and the three following discourses: standardizing as a means of effectiveness, the distinction between manual and intellectual labor and the “superiority” of mathematical engagement. Moreover, we distinguish between two forms of the discourse of mathematical ability: the biological determination of giftedness and the notion of ability within a meritocratic context. These discourses function as an obstacle in the formation of positive identities in relation to mathematics for students of certain backgrounds. We argue that the deconstruction of these discourses is a necessary condition for an equitable mathematics education.

Tipo de Registro:Artículo
Términos clave:03. Aula > Gestión del aula > El discurso
12. Investigación e innovación en Educación Matemática > Metodologías > Análisis del discurso
12. Investigación e innovación en Educación Matemática > Marcos teóricos > Teorías del discurso
11. Educación Matemática y otras disciplinas > Educación Matemática desde otras disciplinas
Nivel Educativo:Título de grado universitario
Código ID:26600
Depositado Por:Monitor Funes 2
Depositado En:03 Jul 2022 18:32
Fecha de Modificación Más Reciente:03 Jul 2022 18:32

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