Autores - Editores Groves, Paula
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- AutoresGroves, Paula
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(Re)claiming an activist identity as criticalmathematics educators: addressing anti-black racism because #BlackLivesMatter

In the 8th annual meeting of the International Mathematics Education and Society (MES-8), Martin (2015) asked the critical question, “where does critical mathematics education stand, and demonstrate unequivocal action, against anti-black racism, racial terror, and global white supremacy?” This question marked a call to action for criticalmathematics educators to think not only about the liberatory and emancipatory possibilities of mathematics education, but to specifically address race and racism more explicitly as a field. Using Powell’s (2012) “futuristic definition” of a criticalmathematics educator as mathematician, educator, and activist, the authors argue that while criticalmathematics educators have successfully pushed educators to consider improved pedagogical strategies for greater equity, more social action is needed to fight racism. The authors advocate for greater attention to Martin’s call to action and the need for criticalmathematics educators to actively and explicitly engage in more unequivocal action against global white supremacy and anti-black racism.
Lista de autores
Groves, Paula y Moore, Roxanne
Términos clave
Nivel educativo
Educación superior, formación de pregrado, formación de grado
Tipo de documento
Developing a positive mathematics identity for students of color: epistemology and critical antiracist mathematics

Utilizing critical race theory and antiracist education as the main theoretical frameworks, this paper critically analyzes mathematics education (ME) and problematizes the ways mathematics teaching and learning is approached in many K-12 schools. If mathematics fields are going to diversify, an epistemological shift in how we think about, teach, and learn mathematics is imperative. This conceptual paper: 1) uncovers epistemological racism in mathematics; 2) explores the theoretical frameworks underlying antiracist education (AE) and critical mathematics (CM); and 3) discusses critical antiracist mathematics (CAM) and the promise it holds for facilitating the development of a mathematics identity for students of color.
Lista de autores
Groves, Paula y Moore, Roxanne.
Términos clave
Educación Matemática crítica | Epistemología | Etnia-raza | Gestión de aula | Reflexión sobre la enseñanza