Editores (actas) Jankvist, Uffe Thomas
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Alignment of mathematics curriculum to standards at high schools in Colombia
The design of Mathematic curriculum in Colombia has been influenced by the curricular guidelines (MEN, 1998) and Basic Standards of Competence (MEN, 2006). These official documents have been the baseline to decide how to conduct the math curriculum parameters in schools. Specially, the basic standards of competence document provides teachers with a set of guidelines for what students are expected to know and be able to do, defining the intended curriculum. However, there is a lack of coherence between these parameters and what the teachers design in their school curricula. We analyzed the alignment between the mathematics curriculum of a sample of Colombian schools and the document of basic standards of competences at high schools in Colombia. We found an inadequate alignment between the schools’ mathematics curriculum and the official document of basic standards of competence.
Lista de autores
Solano, Silvia, Gómez, Pedro y González, María José
Términos clave
Nivel educativo
Educación media, bachillerato, secundaria superior (16 a 18 años)