Assessment of mediated interactivity within the scope of the anthropological theory of didactics
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Delgado, Cesar Augusto y Ospina, Liliana Patricia
We present progress made in doctoral thesis Configuration of the assessment practices of mathematics teachers at university. Preliminary analysis shows the predominance of summative assessment of learning, content-centered, aside from the teaching and study activities, producing poor operative learning outcomes. This didactic phenomenon entails the problem of establishing the conditions and constraints that hinder the development of a more functional kind of assessment that mediates these activities and obtain more operational learning. Finally, we construct the concept of assessment of mediated interactivity as a contribution to the design and management of didactic and mathematical praxeology.
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Términos clave
Análisis didáctico | Contenido | Gestión de aula | Otro (fundamentos) | Tipos de evaluación
Nivel educativo
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