Cabri’s role in the task of proving within the activity of building part of an axiomatic system
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Camargo-Uribe, Leonor, Samper, Carmen y Perry, Patricia
We want to show how we use the software Cabri, in a Geometry class for preservice mathematics teachers, in the process of building part of an axiomatic system of Euclidean Geometry. We will illustrate the type of tasks that engage students to discover the relationship between the steps of a geometric construction and the steps of a formal justification of the related geometric fact to understand the logical development of a proof; understand dependency relationships between properties; generate ideas that can be useful for a proof; produce conjectures that correspond to theorems of the system; and participate in the deductive organization of a set of statements obtained as solution to open-ended problems.
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Título libro actas
Proceedings of the Fifth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education
Editores (actas)
Lista de editores (actas)
Pitta-Pantazi, Demetra y Philippou, George
Editorial (actas)
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