Estado de uso de metodologías activas en las aulas de matemáticas secundarias
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Díaz, José, Sánchez, Almudena y Roa, Julián
We address the state of use of certain active methodologies in secondary mathematics classrooms in the period between October 2019 and January 2023. For this purpose, a questionnaire was developed, previously validated as a measurement instrument, to know what types of active pedagogies occurred in secondary mathematics classrooms. The total number of responses analyzed was 803. We confirmed that the active pedagogies as Project-based learning and Problem-based learning are preferred by teachers when implementing competency-based learning, although their degree of implementation is modest in comparison with a methodology based on the teacher and contents.
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Términos clave
Competencias | Cuestionarios | Gestión de aula | Tipos de metodología
Nivel educativo
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