Investigating mathematical cognition using distinctive features of mathematical discourse
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Kotsopoulos, Donna, Lee, Joanne y Waterloo, Duane Heide
Ben-Yehuda, Lavy, Linchevski, and Sfard (2005) propose that there are four distinctive features of mathematical discourse: uses of words, the use of uniquely mathematical visual mediators, special discursive routines, and endorsed narratives. Utilizing modified talk- and think-aloud protocols for research in naturalistic settings this research explored: (1) the potential utility of the proposed four distinctive features of mathematical discourse as an analytic tool in studying mathematical cognition and mathematical cognitive processes, and (2) the interaction (or lack of interaction) between the four distinctive features of mathematical discourse in order to contemplate implications to students’ underlying or emergent mathematical cognition. Our findings suggest that there may be a unique interaction between particular features of mathematical discourse, and an absence of this interaction may be an important indicator for additional support for the learner. Implications to teaching, learning, and future research will be discussed.
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Términos clave
Análisis del discurso | Discurso | Otro (marcos) | Visualización
Nivel educativo
Educación media, bachillerato, secundaria superior (16 a 18 años) | Educación secundaria básica (12 a 16 años)
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