Multiple representations and GeoGebra-based learning environments
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Hohenwarter, Markus
The dynamic mathematics software GeoGebra offers the possibility of generating interactive applets for use in learning environments. Its graphics, algebra, computer algebra and spreadsheet views combine multiple mathematical representations with each other in an interactive and connected way. On the one hand, the software facilitates the visualization of mathematical concepts and facts. On the other hand, GeoGebra supports the interaction of different forms of representation of mathematical objects. In this paper, the use of GeoGebra applets is particularly addressed concerning tablet computers, which are becoming increasingly important and are distinguished by their intuitive operation with fingers. Abstract mathematics now becomes available at students’ fingertips allowing a very direct form of interaction with mathematical concepts and objects. One way to implement such learning environments are collections of interactive applets in so called “GeoGebraBooks” which are presented in this paper.
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