Papel de Cabri asociado a la tarea de demostrar en geometría
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Samper, Carmen, Camargo-Uribe, Leonor, Perry, Patricia y Echeverry, Armando
Se propondrán algunas actividades, que deben ser resueltas con el apoyo del programa de geometría dinámica Cabri, que servirán de marco para identificar los diferentes usos que se le pueden dar a la geometría dinámica en un curso de geometría plana en el cual se conforma una comunidad de práctica de indagación, cuya empresa es aprender a demostrar. Se presentará la categorización de los usos de Cabri, se explicará cómo promueven una actividad demostrativa, en toda su dimensión, y se dará la sustentación teórica de la propuesta.
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Título libro actas
Memorias del 8º Encuentro Colombiano de Matemática Educativa
Editores (actas)
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Rojas, Pedro Javier
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Camargo, L., Perry, P. y Samper, C. (2005). La demostración en la clase de geometría: ¿puede tener un papel protagónico? Educación Matemática, 17 (3), 53 – 77. de Villiers, M. (2004). Using dynamic geometry to expand mathematics teachers’ understanding of proof. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 35 (5), 703 - 724. Forman, E.A. (1996). Learning mathematics as participation in classroom practice: implications of sociocultural theory for educational reform. En L. Steffe, P. Nesher, P. Coob, G. Goldin y B. Greer (Eds.), Theories of mathematical learning (pp. 525). New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Goos, M. (2004). Learning mathematics in a classroom community of inquiry. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 35 (4), 258 - 291. Hadas, N., Hershkowitz, R. y Schwarz, B.B. (2000). The role of contradiction and uncertainty in promoting the need to prove in dynamic geometry environments. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 44, 127 - 150. Healy, L. y Hoyles, C. (2001). Software tools for geometrical problem solving: potencials and pitfalls. International Journal of Computer for Mathematical Learning, 6, 235 - 256. Jones, K. (2000). Providing a foundation for deductive reasoning: students’ interpretation when using dynamic geometry software and their evolving mathematical explanations. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 44, 55 - 85. Laborde, C. (2000). Dynamic geometry environments as a source of rich learning contexts for the complex activity of proving. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 44, 151 - 161. Mariotti, M.A. (2000). Introduction to proof: the mediation of a dynamic software environment. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 44, 25 - 53. Mariotti, A. (2005). La geometria in classe. Riflessioni sull'insegnamento e apprendimiento della geometría (primera edición). Bologna: Pitagora. Mariotti, M.A. (2000). Introduction to proof: the mediation of a dynamic software environment. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 44, 25 - 53. Marrades, R. y Gutiérrez, A. (2000). Proofs produced by secondary school studentes learning geometry in a dynamic computer environment. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 44, 87 - 125. Martin, T.S. y McCrone, S.M. (2005). The interplay of teacher and student actions in the teaching and learning of geometric proof. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 60, 95 - 124. Yackel, E. y Cobb, P. (1996). Sociomathematical norms, argumentation, and autonomy in mathematics. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 27 (4), 458 - 477.
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