Reconstruction of historical monuments of Picada Café on Tinkercad: developing mathematical skills based on maker culture
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Roth, Gabriela, Mello, Kelen y Goetz, Daniele
The goal of this research is to understand whether the process of reconstructing historical monuments using Tinkercad can contribute to develop mathematical skills within the context of Maker Culture. In order to achieve this, an action research approach was employed, whereas the researcher engaged effectively with the participants in order to enhance the teaching and learning process. The activity was conducted with a group of 9th-grade students from an elementary school in Picada Café. The interactions between students and their creative problem-solving approaches were analyzed throughout the project's execution, both regarding mathematics and the project's construction itself. It was observed that the students developed a range of maker skills through DIY experiences, actively taking on roles as creators of their own projects. The project facilitated the development of mathematical skills such as logical reasoning, collaborative teamwork, and effective problem-solving, among others.
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Términos clave
Competencias | Comprensión | Historia de la Educación Matemática | Investigación acción | Otro (razonamiento) | Resolución de problemas
Nivel educativo
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