Socio-political aspects of personal experiences in university teacher education programmes
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Hochmuth, Reinhard y Ruge, Johanna.
This paper presents and applies the subject-scientific approach to learning, which integrates a socio-political dimension to learning on a theoretical level and provides analytical categories for research. An ongoing qualitative study about learning experiences of pre-service mathematics teachers throughout their university studies is presented. The analytic categories are exemplified by the case of the student Helena. She is splitting her learning in various institutional contexts, which realize different functions in her learning trajectory that could be interpreted in their socio-political dimension within the subject-scientific approach.
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Términos clave
Contextos o situaciones | Desarrollo del profesor | Inicial | Sociopolíticos
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Título libro actas
Proceedings of the eighth international mathematics education and society conference (volumen 3)
Editores (actas)
Lista de editores (actas)
Greer, Brian y Mukhopadhyay, Swapna
Editorial (actas)
Lugar (actas)
Rango páginas (actas)
925 - 938
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