Solving problem types and levels of proportional reasoning in initial training of mathematics teachers
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Díaz, Verónica y Aravena, María
This article aims to determine and analyze the performance of future high school mathematics teachers in solving problem types and levels of proportional reasoning. The research is descriptive with quantitative methodology with a sample of twenty-five students from a university in Chile. Data are collected through an open response problem test on applications of proportionality. The results reveal students' capacity to solve routine problems, preferably of purely mathematical context and to a lesser extent, fantasist, but with high difficulty in solving non-routine problems and problems of real context. The additive level category is the most widely used, which demonstrates the prevalence of pre-proportional reasoning without achieving the proportional level category that includes the performance of students who use proportional relationships among all data to obtain the correct answer.
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Estrategias de solución | Inicial | Otro (razonamiento) | Pruebas | Tipos de problemas
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