Space for interaction and collaborative work in a mathematical workshop: Winplot in a study on revolution solids
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da-Silva, Sonia Maria
In view of the difficulties exposed by most students of Higher Education related to the understanding of the content of Revolution Solids of the discipline of Calculus II, this work proposes show results about some activities aimed at this study with the help of the Winplot software. Thus, this article aims to present elements of interaction, observed in a collaborative learning proposal, from the application of a workshop to undergraduate students at UNIPAMPA and sought to answer how the interaction process between subjects and between the subjects and objects to know, considering the educational support of Winplot. The methodological approach was qualitative, in an exploratory research and argumentative analysis of the data. According to the study it was found that the collaborative interaction ie highlighted in elements of action symmetry, knowledge and status. Still, Winplot expanded the field of representation and visualization for the realization of conjectures and hypotheses, contributing to foster the necessary negotiation mechanisms for collaborative learning.
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Términos clave
Cálculo | Interacciones | Otro (tipos estudio) | Pensamientos matemáticos | Software
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