Tendências do M-learning na educação básica e o desenvolvimento de competências para o século 21
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Araújo-Junior, Carlos Fernando de, Dias, Eduardo Jesus, Conti, Carmen Lucia y Ota, Marcos
This study proposes a mapping of literature on the research and use of m-learning in the fields of science and mathematics, focusing on Basic Education, seeking to identify trends in Brazilian production and the promotion of competences for the 21st century. In order to do so, Portuguese language academic and scientific papers were investigated covering the period from 2014 to 2016. This is an exploratory study, with descriptive analysis supported by bibliographical and empirical references, using survey questionnaires based on a quantitative evaluation, in three private Brazilian schools in the state of São Paulo, in different levels of learning strategies development, using m-learning in their respective institutional projects. In face of data collection and results, we highlight the literature mapping (categorization of the works by thematic core and sub core) and the research carried out with students, teachers and managers; both scenarios allow us to have a panoramic view about the use of m-learning and, mainly, to consider the participants’ perception in the role of m-learning in the development of competences for the 21st century.
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Términos clave
Competencias | Evolución histórica de conceptos | Gestión de aula | Reflexión sobre la enseñanza | Teórica | Virtual
Nivel educativo
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