The importance of problems-solving in calculating derivatives in higher education
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Ribeiro, Nilton de Araújo y Olgin, Clarissa
Background: The need to use different methodological strategies to approach the contents of Higher Education Calculation, aiming at teaching that allows the development of skills related to reading, interpretation, use of procedures and strategies and ways to express one’s reasoning in Mathematics, led to the study on the teaching of Derivatives content, using the Problem-Solving methodology. As a theoretical subsidy on the topic of Problem-Solving, the studies of Polya (1995), Dante (1998) and Onuchic and Alevatto (2004) were used. Objective: To investigate the contributions of the use of the methodology of problem-solving in the discipline of Applied Mathematics of the Architecture and Urbanism course, aiming at the integral formation of the student relating the theory to practical situations. Design: The research had a qualitative methodological approach in which it was intended to understand and analyze how the academics participating in the research developed the proposed activities involving the content of Derivatives through Problem-Solving. Setting and participants: The research was carried out with twentytwo academics from the Architecture and Urbanism Course at Centro Universitário Luterano de Ji – Paraná, located in the state of Rondônia (Brazil). Data collection and analysis: An experiment was carried out with a group of academics from the Architecture and Urbanism Course at Centro Universitário Luterano de Ji – Paraná / RO. The data analysis was done through the written records of the students and the observations of the professor / researcher. Results: The results indicate that the didactic activities contributed to the understanding and development of the Derivatives content, as well as allowing the critical analysis of the academics regarding the resolution of problem situations. Conclusions: It is understood that the use of problem-solving methodology in Higher Education should be encouraged for the development of mathematical content, in order to enable academics to develop the theory, have autonomy, work in groups and develop strategies for solving problems.
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Términos clave
Cálculo | Contenido | Desde disciplinas académicas | Estrategias de solución | Planteamiento de problemas
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