Theorizing in Design Research: Methodological reflections on developing and connecting theory elements for language-responsive mathematics classrooms
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Prediger, Susanne
Topic-specific Didactical Design Research is a research methodology with two aims, 1) designing and improving teaching-learning arrangements and 2) generating theoretical contributions for understanding the initiated teaching-learning processes for a certain topic. The article provides methodological reflections and examples for elaborating the meaning of theorizing within this methodology. Starting from a distinction of categorial, descriptive, explanatory, normative and predictive theory elements with their functions and logical structures, the examples show that theorizing in Design Research studies can be conceived as a process of successively developing and connecting theory elements, for the how-questions (the rationales for the arrangements) and the what-questions (the structuring of the learning content). The considerations are illustrated for the case of topic specific Didactical Design Research for language-responsive classrooms, particularly in relation to language learners’ conceptual understanding of fractions, variables, and percentages.
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Conocimiento | Investigación de diseño | Números racionales | Otro (procesos cognitivos)
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