Unpacking mathematics identity: exploring undergraduate students’ enduring experiences
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Cribbs, Jennifer, Tassell, Janet y Hazari, Zahra
Changes in mathematics identity over time were examined as well as beliefs regarding the nature of mathematics identity and experiences with mathematics that might be related to mathematics identity development. Survey data from 131 college students were analyzed using a Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test to assess longitudinal changes in self-perceptions about mathematics identity. In addition, open-ended responses were analyzed using a phenomenological approach to examine experiences with and beliefs about mathematics. The results indicate that mathematics identity, as reported by students, is a stable measure over time. Several overarching themes emerged from the qualitative data to indicate that participants’ reported formative experiences center around to performing in mathematics and teaching others or sharing mathematics. A majority of participants believe it is possible to become a “math person”; however, an underlying belief that mathematics is an innate ability is also evident.
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Encuestas | Formativos | Historia de la Educación Matemática | Otro (fenomenología) | Sociopolíticos | Tipos de evaluación
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