Applets in learning fractions: a look from instrumental genesis to emergency remote teaching
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de-Oliveira, Vania Sara Doneda y Basniak, Maria Ivete
This article investigates contributions by the applets Cuisenaire environment, Geometry and Fraction Models for learning fractions from the measurement perspective in classes based on Exploratory Mathematics Teaching developed during the Emergency Remote Teaching. This qualitative-interpretative research was performed with students of 6th grade groups of Elementary School. Instrumental Genesis is the theoretical-methodological lens to analyze the intentional action of the subject, who using mental schemes of use, transforms the artifact into an instrument. Cuisenaire environment allowed students mobilize strategies to carry out multiplicative comparisons among the rods and establish fractions equivalence understanding symbolic representation and numerical magnitude signaling. The applet Geometry allowed students performing quadrilateral measurement (sides, perimeters, and areas), and using the applet Fraction Models they validate or not the same magnitude of fractional and decimal representations. Associating the three applets favored students to understand the product property, which when multiplying two fractions different from zero and one, the result may be less than one of the two factors.
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Términos clave
Formas geométricas | Fracciones | Gráfica | Magnitudes | Materiales manipulativos | Multiplicación
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