Challenging ableism in high school mathematics
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D’Souza, Rossi.
Although disability is a case of oppression wherein disabled people are marginalized, denied access and full participation in society, it is generally perceived simply as something wrong with a person. Ableism, a central part of disability, manifests in mathematics education when mathematics is presented, taught, and even defined in terms of the visual (assuming that all can see). Education research focusing on disability rarely challenges ableism in the curriculum and focuses mostly on how disabled children learn or how they can be taught. This contributes neither towards liberation nor empowerment. Using critical ethnography in my fieldwork, I argue for an expanded understanding of mathematics for social justice as well as for justice towards mathematics as a discipline.
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Términos clave
Discapacidad sensorial o física | Gestión de aula | Reflexión sobre la enseñanza | Teoría social del aprendizaje | Tipos de metodología | Visualización
Nivel educativo
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Formato del archivo
Título libro actas
Proceedings of the eighth international mathematics education and society conference (volumen 2)
Editores (actas)
Lista de editores (actas)
Greer, Brian y Mukhopadhyay, Swapna
Editorial (actas)
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Rango páginas (actas)
427 - 440
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