Connections between the pedagogical project of an undergraduate course in mathematics and the content technological and pedagogical knowledge
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Nonato, Karla Jocelya y Costa, Nielce Meneguelo Lobo da
Context: as digital information and communication technologies (DICT) evolve, they enable to implement innovations that reflect on social life, including school and its curricula, requiring various teachers' knowledge to act in the new educational scenarios. Objective: to identify the presence of DICT in the curriculum and the possibilities of integration in the future pedagogical practice of undergraduate course students in mathematics. Design: in order to answer the question of how the course pedagogical project of the course (PPC) is organized, in the face of current technological advances, a documental analysis, of an interpretative nature, was developed at the PPC of the undergraduate course in mathematics of federal university of grande dourados (UFGD), located in dourados, Mato grosso do SUL (MS), BRAZIL, deployed in 2017. Data collection: syllabuses and bibliographies presented in PPC were analysed. Results: choosing as categories those established in the project itself and interpreted in the light of the theoretical framework constituted by the TPACK (technological pedagogical content knowledge), web curriculum and mathematical enculturation. The following were considered: the social context, the technologies integration into the curriculum and the new knowledge construction by the graduation students. Conclusions: PPC prescribes a curriculum that, by being transformed into practiced curriculum, it can integrate the DICT and promote the construction of technological and pedagogical knowledge of the graduation students’ content and the web curriculum construction is seen in this process.
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Términos clave
Computadores | Inicial | Noción | Software | Teoría social del aprendizaje
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