Ethnomathematics + modeling: an ethnomathematical approach
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Rosa, Milton
The application of ethnomathematical techniques and tools of modeling allow us to examine systems taken from reality and give us insight into forms of mathematics done in a holisticway. The pedagogical approach that connects a diversity of cultural forms of mathematics is best represented through ethnomodeling, which is a process of translation and elaboration of problems andthe questions taken from academic systems. Seen in this context, we would like to broaden the discussion of possibilities for the inclusion of ethnomathematics and associated ethnomodeling perspectives that respect the social diversity of distinct cultural groups with guarantees for the development of understanding different ways of doing mathematics through dialogue and respect.
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Términos clave
Comprensión | Contextos o situaciones | Etnomatemática | Modelización | Planteamiento de problemas | Situado sociocultural
Nivel educativo
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Murillo, Manuel
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