For a critical ethnomathematics perspective: get off the dance floor and get on the balcony!
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Rosa, Milton y Orey, Daniel Clark
In this article, the authors discuss an analogy in which ethnomathematicians need to make a change in their research paradigm; that is, to stop dancing for a moment and go up to the balcony. In this perspective, researchers and educators have to leave the dance floor and get on the balcony in order to reach other academic fields and dialogue with different cultures. Thus, they may be able to learn and understand new perspectives and theories for a more profound work in ethnomathematics. In this regard, they can acquire the capacity to analyze and positively criticize their own and others’ work on ethnomathematics.
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Términos clave
Comprensión | Desde disciplinas académicas | Etnomatemática | Otro (fundamentos)
Nivel educativo
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