Frame analysis in mathematics education
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Hand, Victoria.
As the field of mathematics education attempts to marry interpersonal and informational aspects of mathematics teaching and learning, conceptual tools from social disciplines (e.g., sociology and sociolinguistics) are being (re)visited. This paper offers Goffman’s theory of framing as a source of analytic tools for studying prompts for and orchestration of social arrangements in classroom mathematical activity. As interactional roadmaps, frames guide the construction of local social interaction and positions in relation to broader activity. Here, frames are considered in relation to storylines and figured worlds, and the benefits and limitations of frame analysis are explored.
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Términos clave
Interacciones | Reflexión sobre la enseñanza | Teoría social del aprendizaje | Usos o significados
Nivel educativo
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Título libro actas
Proceedings of the eighth international mathematics education and society conference (volumen 2)
Editores (actas)
Lista de editores (actas)
Greer, Brian y Mukhopadhyay, Swapna
Editorial (actas)
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571 - 581
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