The anthropological theory of the didactic as a methodological proposal to analyze digital resources
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Almeida, Matheus Souza de y Espíndola, Elisângela Bastos de Mélo
This article presents an analysis of digital resources for mathematics teaching and learning based on the anthropological theory of the didactic as a methodological proposal. Thus, data were collected from the general information available on the PhET digital platform: general descriptions of the digital resources Equality Explorer: Basics and Equality Explorer, teaching resources, and activities proposals sent by teachers. Furthermore, digital resources were handled to determine their mathematical praxeologies: the types and subtypes of tasks and their respective techniques and technologies. Combining ostensive aspects is highlighted among the research results as indispensable for working with mathematical praxeologies involving digital resources. In short, the results reveal that adopting the ATD as a methodological possibility allows analyzing not only the mathematical organization but can also support reflections about the didactic praxeology and the personal and institutional relations around the mathematical object.
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Términos clave
Reflexión sobre la enseñanza | Software | Tareas | Teoría de la objetivación | Tipos de metodología
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