The Danish KOM project and possible consequences for teacher education
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Niss, Mogens
It defines the concept of mathematical competence and describes the eight mathematical competencies identified by the KOM project. It also discusses their implications for the training of teachers of mathematics and KOM project proposal in this regard.
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Términos clave
Continua | Estrategias de solución | Gráfica | Inicial | Simbólica
Nivel educativo
Revisado por pares
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Niss, M., (1999). Kompetencer og uddannelsesbeskrivelse. Uddannelse No. 9, 1999, 21-29. Niss, M., (2003). Mathematical competencies and the learning of mathematics: The Danish KOM project, in Gagatsis, A. & Papastavridis, S. (eds.): 3 rdMediterranean Conference on Mathematical Education 3-5 January 2003. Athens: Hellenic Mathematical Society, 115-124. Niss, M., (2003). Quantitative Literacy and Mathematical Competencies, in Madison, B.l: & Steen, L.A. (eds.): Quantitative Literacy – Why Numeracy Matters for Schools and Colleges. Princeton, NJ: National Council on Education and the Disciplines, 215-220. Niss, Mogens & Jensen, Tomas H. (eds.), (2002). Kompetencer og matematiklæring – Idéer og inspiration til udvikling af matematikundervisning i Danmark [Competencies and the in Denmark]. Uddannelsesstyrelsens temahæfteserie nr. 18. Copenhagen: Undervisningsministeriets forlag.