The intellectual contributions of uiratan D’Ambrosio to ethnomathematics
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Scott, Patrick
Ubiratan “Ubi” D’Ambrosio is considered by many to be “the intellectual father of ethnomathematics”. He defined and popularized the term as “the art or technique of explaining, knowing, and understanding diverse cultural contexts” (D’Ambrosio, 1990). He formed the International Study Group on Ethnomathematics (ISGEm) and has been instrumental in helping to make sure that the socio-cultural context of mathematics and its teaching and learning are considered in conferences, publications and the day to day work of thousands of mathematics education around the world.
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Términos clave
Colaboración entre colegas | Desarrollo del profesor | Etnomatemática | Historia de la Educación Matemática | Situado sociocultural
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Conferencia Interamericana de educación Matemática
Editorial (actas)
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D’Ambrosio, U. (1979). Overall goals and objectives of mathematics education. In : New Trends in Mathematics Teaching IV. UNESCO/ICMI, Paris, pp. 180–198. D’Ambrosio, U. (1985). Socio-cultural bases for mathematics education. Sao Paulo: UNICAMP, Campinas. D’Ambrosio, U. (1990). Etnomatemática: Arte ou técnica de explicar e conhecer. Sao Paulo, Brazil: Editora Atica. (Translated into English as Ethnomathematics: The art or technique of explaining and knowing by ISGEm.) D’Ambrosio, U. (2004). A reflection on Ethnomathematics: Why teach Mathematics? Retrieved April 30, 2011, from . D’Ambrosio, U. (2006). The scenario 30 years after. Retrieved April 30, 2011, from . ICMI - International Commission on Mathematics Instruction (2006). Citation for the 2005 ICMI Felix Klein Medal to Professor Ubiratan D’Ambrosio. ICMI Bulletin, 58, 8-10. ISGEm. (1985). The formation of ISGEm. ISGEm Newsletter, 1, 1. Retrieved May 3, 2010 from .
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