Theory of didactical situations: theoretical rereading from the perspective of inclusive playful Mathematics education
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Silveira, Érica Santana
This article explains a rereading of the theory of didactical situations (TDS) from the perspectives of playfulness and inclusive education of students with specific educational needs (SEN) in the teaching and learning processes of mathematics. To do so, a theoretical discussion on TDS, playfulness, and inclusive education was held to create a reflection on the possible articulations to be established among them. Notably, TDS was developed by Guy Brousseau (1986) and initially conceives the didactical situation around three poles: teacher, student, and knowledge. Additionally, the teacher and students are considered players who play with the content knowledge to be institutionalized. This aspect allows articulation between TDS and playfulness. In the context of didactical situations, there also exists real or fictional construction of a milieu, wherein the student acts autonomously to build knowledge. Considering this and the inclusion process, the teacher can organize a milieu, considering accessibility in education, to work with every student’s specificities, thus breaking the homogeneity present in educational spaces. Therefore, basing mathematics classes on a theory that makes up the universe of mathematics didactics and was not conceived as playfulness and inclusive perspective but that from the assumption of accessibility, can contribute to the inclusion of all students, regardless of the SEN they may present. The teacher will promote the development of autonomy and critical training of students, in addition to institutionalizing content knowledge and providing the status of knowledge.
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Términos clave
Comprensión | Contextos o situaciones | Necesidades educativas especiales | Otra (teorías) | Reflexión sobre la enseñanza
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