Assessing the degree of mathematical didactic suitability in teachers: a case study
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García, Orlando
This work evaluates the impact of the Program Didactic Strategies for the Teaching of Mathematics Diploma (DSTM) using the Didactic Suitability Criteria (DSC) as a support tool, which allow the evaluation of the educational practice of three teachers participating in the panamanian program. This impact allows to observe if the teachers have developed the competence of “didactic analysis and intervention”. To do this, an exploratory-analytical-interpretative methodology was used, triangulating two structured interviews (on the DSC) carried out with the group of teachers individually and in groups and contrasted with previous assessments of data obtained in a final task of the DSTM program. Among the results, it was found that two of the teachers give greater relevance to the affective criterion when developing "school mathematics". The previous statement suggests that there is a positive impact after having trained the teachers in the DSTM and likewise, it is evident that the teachers discard the epistemic and mediational criteria as a priority, because they consider that they are sufficiently "prepared". Hence, the objective of this program is teacher training.
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Estudio de casos | Exploratorio | Identidad | Otro (desarrollo profesor) | Otro (tipos evaluación)
Nivel educativo
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