Conceptualizing societal aspects of mathematics in signal analysis
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Hochmuth, Reinhard y Schreiber, Stephan.
This paper focuses on different possibilities for conceptualizing didactically relevant aspects of advanced mathematical subject matter in such a way that fits with subject scientific categories considering mathematically learning as a societal mediated process according to Holzkamp (1993). This concern requires studying subject matter, teaching and “university” not as conditions that cause reactions but as meanings in the sense of generalized, societal reified action possibilities. We consider the following three theoretical lenses: an epistemological-philosophical analysis, Anthropological theory of didactics and elements of Bernstein’s theory. After rather short characterizations of these approaches we illustrate their application to the introduction of the delta distribution in a signal analysis text book.
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Términos clave
Epistemología | Formativos | Historia de la Educación Matemática | Libros de texto | Teoría social del aprendizaje
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Título libro actas
Proceedings of the eighth international mathematics education and society conference (volumen 2)
Editores (actas)
Lista de editores (actas)
Greer, Brian y Mukhopadhyay, Swapna
Editorial (actas)
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Rango páginas (actas)
610 - 622
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