Positioning of the teacher in the improvement of mathematics classroom practice
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Bergsten, Christer y Jablonka, Eva.
This paper is a hybrid between a discussion essay and a theoretical paper. Our concern is the positioning of teachers in contexts where the reshaping of educational institutions along with the commercialisation and commodification of research carried out at universities, increasingly interferes with the intellectual freedom of both teachers and researchers. Funding of research in these contexts privileges ‘findings’ with direct implications for developing teachers’ classroom work. We discuss examples drawn from a range of studies, including classroom observation, curriculum design, and professional development settings in terms of the subjectivities attributed to the unauthorised position in the relations established in these practices.
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Términos clave
Acceso y permanencia | Colaboración entre colegas | Desarrollo del profesor | Gestión de aula | Reflexión sobre la enseñanza
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Título libro actas
Proceedings of the eighth international mathematics education and society conference (volumen 3)
Editores (actas)
Lista de editores (actas)
Greer, Brian y Mukhopadhyay, Swapna
Editorial (actas)
Lugar (actas)
Rango páginas (actas)
644 - 656
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