The role of ethnomathematics in curricular leadership in mathematics education
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D'Ambrosio, Ubiratan y D'Ambrosio, Beatriz Silva
In this paper we share our reflections regarding the role of ethnomathematics in providingdirection for leadership in mathematics education. Our arguments are grounded in an analy-sis of the world today, characterized by inequities and injustices, clamoring for a new socialorder. We contemplate the role of mathematics and mathematics education in improving theworld for the benefit of future generations. In our vision, the Program Ethnomathematicsis positioned as a theoretical framework capable of guiding practice and curriculum for avery different educational project, one that centers the children in a world of social equityand justice as well as a world in which humanity achieves equilibrium with and respect fornature and its resources. We end our reflections with some thoughts on the preparation ofteachers and leaders for this alternate educational project.
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Culturales | Diseño | Etnomatemática | Evaluación (currículo) | Formativos | Reflexión sobre la enseñanza
Nivel educativo
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