Professional learning tasks and mathematical knowledge involving the algebraic structure of Groups: an experience in the degree in Mathematics teaching
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Jardim, Vania Batista Flose, Aguiar, Márcia y Ribeiro, Alessandro Jacques
Considering the teacher education of prospective teachers, the objective of this article is to understand how professional learning tasks are carried out in classes of a course of Algebra in the teacher education. Using Design-Based Research cycles, documents and video recordings were collected throughout the course of the classes. Data were analyzed in order to interpret how future teachers mobilize School-Related Content Knowledge and how teacher educators generate professional learning opportunities for them. The results indicate the possibility of approaching academic mathematics in specific-content disciplines of the teacher education, focusing on teacher training and the changes that future teachers’ knowledge may undergo during training. It is concluded that the use of resources that explore connections between academic and school mathematics, as was the case with formative tasks, seems to be a way to promote mathematical and didactic discussions in the teaching degree.
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Identidad | Inicial | Otro (álgebra) | Reflexión sobre la enseñanza | Tareas | Tipos de metodología
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